Meiso Lai moved to St Leonards-On-Sea in the summer of 2017 where she lives and
creates as an artist. Over many years she has exhibited both in the UK and abroad.
2000-2002 Winchester School of Art, MA Textile Art
1996-1999 Middlesex University, BA Printed Textile and Decorations
1995-1996 Camberwell Collage of Art, Art and Design in Foundation
2018 Art for Soul, Word in Art, Solo Exhibition,
St Leonards-On-Sea
Art for Soul, Journey, Solo Exhibition, St Leonards-On-Sea
Art for Soul, A Retrospective, Solo Exhibition,
St Leonards-On-Sea
2016 The Exhibitionist Hotel, Solo Exhibition, London
Tokyo International Art Fair, Japan
2015 Barbican Centre, Barbican Library, Solo Exhibition, London
2014 Oxfordshire Art Week, Headington, Oxford
2013 Parallax Art Fair, Chelsea Town Hall, London
Formosan Tea Bar, Oxford
2012-13 N22 Open Studio, Chocolate Factory, London
Made in Clerkenwell, Craft Central, London
Crouch End Open Studio, London
2012 Anciens Abattoris in Mons, The European Prize for
Applied Arts, Belgium
St Martin-in-the-Fields, The Gallery, Solo Exhibition,
Karamel, The Chocolate Factory, Solo Exhibition
Foyer Gallery, Solo Exhibition, Chocolate Factory, London
2011 Brewhouse Art Centre, Solo Exhibition, Life Journey,
Landmark Art Centre, Midsummer Art Fair,
Foyer Gallery, Solo Exhibition, Chocolate Factory, London
2010-11 Chocolate Factory, Open Studios, London
2010 Highgate Gallery, Group Exhibition, London
The Rag Factory, Light Exhibition, London
Barbican Centre, Barbican Library Foyer, Solo Exhibition,
Landmark Art Centre, Contemporary Textile Fair,
2009 Foyer Gallery, Heaven is in my Heart, Solo Exhibition,
Chocolate Factory, London
2008-09 Chocolate Factory, Open Studio, London
2008 artdeport, Solo Exhibition, London
The Park Gallery, Winter Warmth 08, Scotland
Battersea Contemporary Art Fair, London
Ferreira Projects, PURE-mixed media, London
Posk Gallery, Solo Exhibition, London
2006-07 Chocolate Factory, Open Studio, London
2006 Battersea Contemporary Art Fair, London
Stroud House Gallery, FABRIC 2 DYE4; Stroud,
FHP Art Exhibition, London
2006 Landmark Art Centre, Midsummer Art Fair, Teddington
2005 Chocolate Factory, Open Studio, London
The Gallery, Wimbledon, London
2009 Interview with SCOLA, USA
2012 The Finalist of The European Prize for Applied Arts
2016 Maggie Centre, Chinese Association for
Cancer Care, London
2014 Oxfordshire Art Weeks, Headington, Oxford
2012 Chinese Mental Health Association, London